Saturday, April 18, 2009

Durango the Scorpion Land


Durango is also call “La tierra de los Alacranes” (the scorpions land.) Durango is call la tierra de los alacranes because it “houses” the most venomous scorpions. Just a little information "scorpions are 8 legged arthropods , these toughly armored and armed invertebrates enjoy a well deserved reputation as their neurotoxin venom injected through the use of a tail stinger is designed to act quickly. Though in most cases the sting is harmless to humans, often compared to a bee or wasp sting, some scorpions are deadly to humans." (Def. Google.) In Mexico there are 225 species and 23 genres of scorpions. Scorpions usually live under rocks, wood, trees and houses believe it or not they do. Scorpions live in dark cool places. You can find them in inside houses (not only in rural zones but in nice urban places.) scorpions usually hide in the wall cracks, closets, kitchen you can sometimes find them in your clothes or shoes, since shoes are dark and there is moist inside. From the 225 venomous species 7 of them are consider fatal to humans. Even though Durango is know for its venomous scorpions, this one of main things why Duranguense people are proud of living there. They think of themselves as strong powerful people because they live in the land of the scorpions.


  1. wow i cannot imagine myself living there;I would be scare of putting my shoes on because of the fear of finding a scorpion around the house.

  2. I know for sure Abby that people in Durango are not afraid to live around with scorpions. Living around with scorpions that's normal for them.
