Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Japanese Four Season

Which season do you like?

In my country Japan, we have four seasons and each seasons are appearently distinct one from another.

As I told you about summer with beautiful fireworks, other seasons are also beautiful.

In the old era, people enjoyed the beautiful views at the window.

Those pictures are taken through the same window, but the view is really different each season.

This is a famous room in the temple in Kyoto. This frame was established based on the image of a picture frame. Therefore when you look the outside through this window, it looks like a picture, and it is really impressive and forgetable.

Japanese four seasons are really unique and obviously different from other countries.

Each season can be expressed by a different color.
In spring and summer, you can see the vivid green through the window.

In fall, you can see the coloful autumnal leaves.

In winter, you can see the pure white snow.
In spring, we can also enjoy the pink color of "Sakura"which means cherry blossam in English. This is famous for the flower of Japanese symbol. In spring, many people go to see the cherry blossoms. Also we go to see the maple leaves in autumn.
If you have a chance to come to Japan, it is an important decision in which season you come!

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