Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Leyend of Zirahuen's Lake

Michoacan has many leyends, but one of the most popular is The Zirahuen's Lake. This leyend talks about a beatiful princess named Zirahuen. She was the daughter of one of the most powerful chieftains of Michoacan. She fall in love with the leader of an enemy army. When her father knew she was in love with one of his enemies, he told the warrior that he must to fight againts other warlords enemies in order to be with his daughter. The warrior accepted the challenge without hesitation. He fought againts them and he won. When the warrior when to see Zirahuen's father to prove him that he won, the father did not accepted his winning. Zirahuen's father did not want him to be Zirahuen's husband, so he told him that he must to figh with him. They were ready to figh, but Zirahuen stood between them and said. "I do not want to be the cause of death of either. If my father wins, I will lose you forever. If you win, I do not marry you. " The young warrior understood and he left. After that, Zirahuen climbed a hill to cry. Her gaze was lost in the distance with the hope to see him back, but he never did. Her tears were so heavy that made a hole that went beyond the passing days, drowning the princess and flooding the town. That is why now it is called Lake of Zirahuén. People that live there, say that in the early hours of the morning, she appears on the surface of the lake drowing men that she confuses with her love. They blame her for the deaths of many fishermen whose bodies can only find after several days of being drowned.


  1. This is really sad i personally did not like the story.She supposed choose between her father or lover but she did not choose one why? i do not get it.

  2. Wow, the story sounds so sad. I know it might be hard for her to choose between father or the love one. If it is me, I do not know what to do either ToT.

  3. Wow... that's sad. The princess should have found new lover after the warrior left. I guess he was such a great man that she has not forget him yet. I wanna find wonderful guy like him*^o^*
