Sunday, May 10, 2009


To tell the truth, I was thinking I couldn't be bothered to post on the blog just after I heard explanation from Mr. Lawson. I have never blogged before, and in my last ESL class, I just did my reading and writing assignment which teacher told, so I had no idea what I can do for that. However, once we started to post blogs, I found it is a very interesting and wonderful tool to know many things which I didn't know. Of course, I also have some friends from other countries such as Mexico, Vietnam, Thai land, etc. out of the class, and I have known their some culture. However, I haven't heard any detailed story about their culture so, this blogging have given me a bunch of new information and subjects of conversation with friends. Also, blogging is good for not only knowing about other cultures but also knowing my culture more. To post on the blog, I sometimes use the Internet to get more particular information or to make sure of what I already know. Through this research, I could get some new and correct information about my culture. I could realized the goodness of my culture again. Also, reading other Japanese friends' post and others' comments is also very interesting for me. I could know what kind of topics in my culture people are interested in by reading them. Moreover, we talked each other even out of the class through the blogging, so we have known each other more than in other classes. I really like this blog and our class now, so I'll miss them after end of this semester, but I hope we still connect together even if we don't have any same class or blog. Thank you so much, every one!!

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