Monday, April 6, 2009

My Culture

One of the traditions that we have in my culture is to go to the cemetery on day of the dead to visit our love one that has passed away. We also create an alter that we put up with their favorite food with a drink that they use to like. We put a picture of them on the top shell some candles and orange flowers. We usually also celebrate Christmas on the 24th and wait until midnight to open the presents up. Our culture is full of music spice and happiness we tend to always have music on.


  1. De donde eres?
    I think you are from Mexico,right?(o'-'o)
    Because I was taking spanish class in last semester and I learned about that Mexico has the day of the dead. It is nice tradition!

  2. Beautiful culture! Very different from some other cultures, however wanted to know if there was any relationships between Christmas and the Day of the dead?
