Sunday, April 19, 2009

Serbian Easter

First of all, Serbian Easter is one week after Catholic Easter simply because Serbian Orthodox Church uses Julian calendar whereas Catholic Church uses Gregorian calendar. Today is the first day of Easter.
Actually, Serbian Easter starts six weeks before actual Easter. For those six weeks people fast. First and last week of the fast people can eat only food made on the water. The purpose of fasting is that believer can receive sacrament.
First big day of those six weeks is Great Tuesday where believers go on service which is dedicated to The Last Supper. Food and wine on the table represents Christ’s body and blood, respectively. That night it was established Holy Secret of Sacrament.
Next day, Great Friday, day when Christ is crucified on Golgotha for Serbs is the saddest day. That was the sacrifice for the salvation of the world. When he saw what solders and people doing to Him, He said” Father, forgive them they don’t know what they are doing.” On Great Friday believers don’t cheer, sing, and churches’ bells don’t ring, because the bells represent cheer. Priests say prayer for the piece of the holy tapestry “Plaštanica” which represents Christ’s grave. Also, on Great Friday believers paint the eggs. First egg has to be colored in red and kept as a guardian of the home. This even comes from the time of roman empire where Maria Magdalena, follower of Christ, gave to Roman Emperor the red egg and said ”Hristos vaskrese (He is risen.)” Red color symbolizes Christ’s innocent blood. Some believers eat only food prepared on the water; however some believers don’t eat at all.
Great Saturday is the day when believers gather in front of the church before midnight and they go around the church three times, welcoming beginning of the Easter.
Easter day is Sunday, when Christ was risen from death, and it is the greatest day for believers. That is the day when believers go on the early service to get sacrament. After arriving home from church, believers prepare Easter celebration meal, which is full of meat, because the fast is over. Also, eggs’ purpose on the Easter is to either gave them as a gift, or crash them in competition for the strongest egg. This a most joyful holiday because brings family and people together.

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