Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Pelota Mixteca is a famous sport in Oaxaca.My dad is always talking about this sport.This game consist of five players per team.The Pelota mixteca is like playing tennis. In this game they used a rubber ball which is really heavy.The game begins with a serve consisting of a rebound in a stone on the ground at the player's feet.The player called el Bolillero can return the ball without it hitting the ground, which is known as "de Bolea". Hitting the ball back seems really hard.The players uses a mixtec glove (guante) that weights around five pounds which make it harder to hit it back.The rest of the players are called the resto and contraresto ; their main duty is to keep the game alive.They also have a referee which is called the chacero.The chacero main duty is to make sure everyone follow and respect the rules. This sport is really intersting once you understand.


  1. This sport sounds so hard for me. I think this type of sport is just for guy, isn't it? It looks too hard for girls to play.

  2. Well i do not know if girls play pelota mixteca.I am 100% sure that they do not play it because it is really dangerous.I had gone to see how my dad and some other people that play pelota mixteca and most of them get hurt.The rubber ball can be very dangerous because they players hit it really hard with a glove that weigh five pounds and the ball gains speed.This sport must be play in an empty and huge lot because the ball can hit and hurt anyone who is passing by.However, i still do not understand how the people who play pelota mixteca can enjoy it knowing that they can get hurt.
